The Unexpected Way Supply Chain Delays Are Ruining Costco Products

Although the images of empty Costco shelves might still linger in our memory banks, the reality is that supply chain delays are causing issues beyond the inability to have a plethora of buying options. In a recent CNBC article, Costco Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti commented that there is "plenty of merchandise," but delivery issues are causing delays. While that supply chain conversation continues to be part of the news cycle, the reality is that the problem is more than just getting products to the consumers — there can be additional issues when products are opened at home.


According to an r/Costco Reddit post, a Mikasa Lazy Susan had an unexpected addition of mold to the bottom of the kitchen essential. This bacteria growth likely occurred during shipping and rendered the product inedible. (Unfortunately, the only mold that is edible is on a piece of blue cheese.) For anyone who had hoped to give this item as a holiday gift or use it on a holiday table, they will likely want to spin around to another idea. 

Why are some Costco products going straight into the trash?

Even though Costco has a very generous return policy, the disappointment of opening a product to see that it has become a science experiment is concerning (per Business Insider). Many comments in the r/Costco Reddit post noted that shipping issues are creating unfavorable scenarios that can cause products to deteriorate.


One user who claims to work in consumer goods commented, "Items that used to be 30 days on a boat are now 60+ days on a boat. A lot of our products have been coming in rusty." Other users blamed cargo that sits too long on ships and gets wet, which creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth. The damp environment in an unventilated area can lead to an undesired "extra" addition to the Lazy Susan — or potentially any product. While CNBC reported that Costco brought its own vessels to help ameliorate the supply chain concerns, the reality is that the here and now cannot be instantly fixed. Many people are carefully wrapping Christmas presents to be put under their trees, and no one wants the unpleasant discovery of an unusable gift thanks to bacterial growth. 


