Teenager Goes Viral On TikTok With Endearing Lunches For Her Parents

One of the most special gifts you can give someone is a carefully prepared lunch. Each part of the meal is consciously chosen, portioned, and packaged with love so that the recipient can enjoy their mealtime without a worry. Watching someone pack up a lunch just so, with each element of the meal perfectly laid out, is completely endearing and has become a whole genre of video on TikTok. While some viral TikTok trends are based on learning useful food hacks, this one is purely about enjoying the aesthetics and care taken in making the perfect lunch and inspiring the viewer to make some exciting lunches of their own.


TikTok user Georgia Goodrum, or @picturingsnacks on the app, is going viral for her videos of her making lunch for her parents. The videos are part of a larger trend involving meals being aesthetically prepared by family members, like the school lunches mom Jessica Woo makes for her kids (via LA Times). The lunch components are packaged carefully in colorful trays and bento boxes, and the meals often use surprising combinations that look absolutely delicious.

From the moment Goodrum says, "I'm making lunch for my parents," TikTok fans are hooked — and for good reason.

The details of the endearing lunch TikToks

Georgia Goodrum's videos are a delight to watch, which has caused them to go viral on TikTok. After a few years of making lunch for her parents, the 19-year-old college student thought it was time to start getting creative with her meals, Fox News reports. She puts together interesting combinations that typically include a main dish, a side dish or salad, and a dessert.


She usually looks around the kitchen and uses what she has on hand to make the meals. Goodrum likes to put things together in new ways and to introduce her parents to flavors and foods they might not eat otherwise. For example, she's made pizza-style crumpets, couscous with egg peppers, and pasta with tuna and sweet corn. She makes the meals the night before for Monday through Thursday and keeps it a surprise by waiting to post to TikTok until after her parents have eaten. It takes her about an hour and a half to make the lunches while filming.

Goodrum finds the opportunity to treat her parents to be a key part of the experience. "I think it's just good to be able to give back to them and it's great being able to inspire others to do the same as well," she told Fox.


