This President Was A Huge Fan Of Hot Chocolate

So really, who doesn't love a yummy mug of hot chocolate? As the impending marathon of merriment approaches, and gifts, gatherings, and good food, are front and center in our minds, this lovely cup of sweetness is an integral part of our merry ruminations.


Hot Chocolate has been a favorite drink for, literally, centuries. Chocolate was first consumed in liquid form, not munched, and dates way back the ancient civilizations in Mexico (via NPR). Though it was considered a delicacy and available only to the upper crust across the pond in the 1800s, when our great nation was in its infancy, colonial Americans of all walks partook of the sweet liquid treat.

Our third president was one of the hearty souls of that era that enjoyed the drink. Thomas Jefferson sampled his first cup of loveliness in 1775 and was so enamored of the beverage that he informed John Adams in 1785 that he felt that because of its health benefits, and of course, inherent yumminess, it should replace tea and coffee as the go-to warm drink of the day (via Mental Floss).


Good thing those crates on the boat in Boston Harbor weren't filled with cocoa; Our history books might tell a different story if they were! Jefferson's favorite drink, made with stone-roasted cacao, sugar, and spices, is today served up at his former home, Monticello, for visitors to enjoy.

Thomas Jefferson wasn't the only famous hot chocolate fan

Jefferson was not the only founding father that loved hot chocolate. George Washington was also a fan, and often began his day with a cup of warm chocolate cream (via Mount Vernon). If coffee is referred to as a cup of Joe, should "a cup of George" become the moniker for this sweet hot drink?


Of course, what began as a staple for our ancestors has morphed into a delicacy that seems to know no limits. A boozy cup of cocoa coupled with a bonfire, or a crackling fire and a good holiday movie, are a dreamy pairing that can turn an everyday evening into an event. And the latest incarnation of hot chocolate, the bomb, is a delight to children and adults alike, as stirring the warm milk and ball of goodness, eagerly anticipating the treats that will emerge, is almost as much fun as the sledding or snowball fight that may have preceded it.

We have so much to thank George Washington and Thomas Jefferson for. The birth of our nation, the document that gave life to a rag-tag dream of democracy and freedom, and, not to be dwarfed by such momentous contributions, hot chocolate, in all its incarnations and grandeur. Who's to say which achievement merits the most praise?


