TikTok Loves To Hate On 'Starbucks Cups Adults'

Starbucks' holiday cups have been captivating Starbucks customers since 1997, when the cups — many of which are reusable — first debuted. This year's cups made their debut just last week, on November 4, to much kvelling from the company.


"With shimmering ribbons, a splash of color and a sprinkle of stars — Starbucks holiday cups, in four different design variations, are wrapped-up like gifts for the holidays," gushed Starbucks on its website. "This year's theme features festive colors of red, green and white with playful touches of lilac. And every cup has a gift tag on the back, perfect for sharing a cheerful greeting with a friend or loved one." 

So popular is Starbucks' annual collection of holiday cups that the only thing that could possibly undermine the joy is the fact that there are simply never enough in stock for the endless streams of customers who want them. Moreover, it would appear this problem is exacerbated by a phenomenon known as "Starbucks Cups Adults" — a term that appears to have been coined by bemused TikTok users, and one that refers to people who hoard Starbucks holiday cups. (That in itself is a reference to the millennial-dominated Disney-obsessed demographic that's come to be known as "Disney Adults.")


And boy, does TikTok love to hate on "Starbucks Cups Adults."

TikTok is pointing fingers at 'Starbucks Cups Adults' for hoarding the holiday cups

Holiday season after holiday season, there never seem to be enough of the coffee giant's popular limited edition holiday cups to meet the exceptional demand from fans — so maybe it's not unreasonable to blame Starbucks itself. Nor can you count out the current supply chain crisis, which is definitely a factor in the many retail shortages we've been seeing so far this season. However, TikTok has stumbled upon yet another reason why you may not be able to get your hands on a Starbucks holiday cup, notwithstanding your patiently waiting on line for the same. In fact, many on the app are adamant that it's these alleged hoarders who are the reason there are no more holiday cups to be found.


Multiple users had the same refrain: "Starbucks Cups Adults are scarier than Disney Adults." "People buying like 15 tumblers at a time," posted one TikTok user, who questioned, "Do you actually use them or do they sit in your kitchen cupboards?" Another exasperated content creator asked, "WHY ARE YOU TAKING 20 CUPS I DONT UNDERSTAND."

While it's yet to be determined where exactly all of the holiday cups are going, it's clear TikTok has a theory.

