The Time Frankie Celenza Cooked With Michelle Obama

Frankie Celenza may be on the fast track to becoming a bonafide celebrity chef, but he's humble enough to still be star-struck. In 2016, Celenza joined then-First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House Kitchen Garden for a harvesting and cooking event that included about 25 fourth and fifth graders, according to The Washington Post. Celenza documented his experience at the event in a video posted on Tastemade's YouTube channel. The start of the video showed him in transit to Washington, D.C., where he excitedly told viewers, "I still can't believe I'm going to the White House. I'm going to the White House. Right now. It's like bucket list stuff."


Upon arriving at the White House, Celenza met the kids who would help harvest the garden's vegetables and use them to cook a healthy meal. Obama joined the crowd, asking the students, who also helped plant the garden, "What do you think of the garden? ... It's changed a bit since you guys planted, right?" Voices from the audience yelled, "It's awesome!" Celenza stood off to the side, giving the camera a big thumbs up.

Frankie Celenza and Michelle Obama cooked a healthy meal together

The garden was part of Obama's "Let's Move" program designed to encourage 'healthy living' and exercise among families across the country. When it came to the harvest, Obama and Celenza weren't afraid to get their hands dirty, joining the children in picking the veggies. "This is just too cool," Celenza said with a huge smile on his face while carrying a tub for the green goodies. The harvest team then joined a group of chefs to prep and cook a healthy, wholesome lunch for the group, which was eaten at picnic tables on the lawn. "Good stuff," one of the kids said to Celenza upon tasting his meal. "Yeah, really good," he responded. The icing on the cake was when Obama approached Celenza and gave him a big hug. "Love everything you've done," Celenza told her.


YouTube comments were entirely encouraging of Celenza's endeavor to support Obama's mission and contribute to the White House event. "Couldn't think of a better person to participate in this. You deserved that day, Frankie. Keep doing what you're doing, you're a natural," one YouTube commenter posted. It was definitely a bucket list moment.

