Duff Goldman's Latest Baby Pic Has Instagram A Little Concerned

Duff Goldman is perhaps best known for sharing photos of his phenomenal cakes and desserts. After all, he's not called the Ace of Cakes for nothing. Those who follow the celebrity baker closely on social media, however, know that Goldman also really loves posting pictures of his daughter, Josephine. He recently Instagrammed a photo of his baby dressed as a football to cheer on his favorite team, the Baltimore Ravens, and their return to the field. Another awe-inducing video of Goldman's features his wife, Johnna Colbry, and child dancing and laughing in front a mirror in their home.


Goldman and Colbry gave birth to Josephine in January of 2021, describing her as "the most beautiful thing [they]'ve ever seen in the whole world," according to Entertainment Tonight. And fans agree, often remarking on how adorable she is in Goldman's social media posts. His most recent photo, however, inspired more comments about concerns rather than cuteness. What had Instagram so bothered?

Concerned parents commented on Goldman's post

Goldman did what many parents stuck inside with a child often do when they need a little me-time: He planted little Josephine in front of the TV for some "Sesame Street." He posted a photo on Instagram of her watching the show, and his caption marveled at how far she's come in the past year, now able to sit up on her own, watch TV attentively, and even clap in response. "I love this baby so much I'm gonna burst," he said.


But many fans were concerned about Josephine's proximity to the staircase instead of impressed with her progress, commenting things like, "Omg please move those chairs away from the railing, she will climb on them before you even notice!!!" and "My toddlers would be climbing those little chairs and flinging themselves over that ledge." Another suggested anchoring the TV to its shelf. "Can we please let them parent their own kid!" one laissez-faire Instagrammer asked. At the end of the day, these commenters hopefully had kind intentions and "only wanted to help out a new parent," as one user said.

