Throw Your Eggs Away Immediately If You Notice This

There are a lot of normal variations in egg appearance, from the color and thickness of the shell to the brightness and consistency of the yolk and white inside. Most of these differences are nothing to worry about and are caused by outside factors, like the type of chicken the egg came from, what the hen was fed, the temperature where it was laid, and so on, per NC State.


However, egg whites that are pink or pearly white in appearance should be trashed immediately, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This is because egg whites that are pearly white or pink reveal spoilage due to pretty gross bacteria. Called Pseudomonas bacteria, this generally happens when eggs are exposed to excrement and/or mud, says Science Direct. Pseudomonas spoilage, as it's known among egg experts, is the most common type of spoilage for this foodstuff.

Don't fret if a yolk is bright yellow/orange, however. This just means that the hen in question enjoyed a diet rich in bright plant pigments, the USDA notes. Basically, you can fry it, boil it, or serve it with toast, but nothing is going to make an egg infected with Pseudomonas bacteria edible. So don't even try.


Risks of Pseudomonas-spoiled eggs

Eating eggs spoiled by Pseudomonas bacteria can cause food poisoning, which no person in history has ever enjoyed. Symptoms of food poisoning can take hours or even days to show up, and may include upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, and stomach cramps, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Pearly or pink yolk isn't the only sign that something's amiss, however. Spoiled eggs can smell pretty bad, or "off," described by one researcher to Yahoo! News as "sourish, musty, or fruit like." The yolk may also appear greenish, and the egg white can liquify and form a crusty, brown layer.

Many cases of food poisoning can be handled at home. However, the CDC notes that anyone with bloody diarrhea, a high fever (over 102 degrees Fahrenheit, done orally), diarrhea that continues for more than three days, frequent vomiting, or signs of dehydration (dizziness, little or no urination, very dry mouth) should seek medical attention.

Clearly, the lesson here is "when in doubt, throw it out." Some things are worth taking a chance on. Food poisoning is not one of them.


