Costco Shoppers Are Confused By This Pricey Honey Product

While many people grab a bear-shaped bottle for their honey-sweetened tea, biscuits, and desserts, this sticky condiment is not only available in squeeze bottles and jars: You can also buy it straight from the honeycomb, as some Costco shoppers have recently discovered. A fan of the warehouse grocery chain posted a photo of a slightly pricy Savannah Bee Company product on Instagram, which has many shoppers asking the questions, "What is raw honeycomb, and is it worth the price?"


According to @costco_doesitagain, the Savannah Bee Company raw honeycomb two-pack has a suggested retail price of $18.99 at Costco. Although some comments suggest that the price varies by location, it does seem like a good deal; the Savannah Bee Company website sells a 12.3-ounce package of raw honeycomb for $29 on its website.

Cost aside, many shoppers are confused about how to use honeycomb. One Instagram user thought the item was a beekeeping starter kit, while others inquired about what parts of the comb are edible. To answer those people's questions: The entire honeycomb is edible, according to Healthline. While some people may not like the texture of beeswax, it is not harmful to consume, and it can be squeezed or chewed to extract only the raw honey from the cells. If you haven't eaten honey directly from the comb before, you might appreciate its heightened sweetness, nutritional benefits, and all those bees' hard work — reason enough to buzz on over to Costco.


How should raw honeycomb be served and what does it taste like?

The appearance of raw honeycomb might make you scratch your head and wonder how exactly to eat it, but it's actually pretty simple. One commenter on @costco_doesitagain's Instagram post said it's an "amazing addition to a charcuterie board," while the Savannah Bee Company website suggests going at it with a spoon, crumbling it into yogurt or salads, and spreading it onto crackers. You may want to enjoy the honeycomb as simply as possible to appreciate its flavor. The National Honey Board says that the taste and color of honey vary according to which flowers the bees extract it from. The Savannah Bee acacia honeycombs from Costco are said to be light in color with a mild, clean flavor and a trace of vanilla.


You can expect the flavor of honeycomb to be relatively familiar, but its texture will of course be different from the filtered variety. The beeswax comb is crunchy and chewy, says Healthline. While the comb is not particularly nutritious, the raw honey inside is full of enzymes and antioxidants — and it is free of the additives and sweeteners found in some commercial honey. Finally, the hexagonal shapes of the honeycomb lend a beautiful and unexpected appearance to any dish, from cheese boards to toasted bread, and may inspire your culinary creativity.

