This Is The Best Way To Order Wine, According To Gordon Ramsay

Ordering wine at a restaurant is tough for a lot of reasons. First, it can be intimidating, even for the most seasoned of wine lovers. Secondly, not everyone has a ton of disposable income, so finding a bottle that fits everyone's taste and budget may be tough. While it may be easier to just throw your hands up and let everyone do their own thing, that's not always the best way to get the most bang for your buck and the most taste for your... well, also buck. 


Cue Gordon Ramsay, a chef, television star, and an absolute genius when it comes to ordering wine (and also when saving veggies from the trash). If you're looking for a "bargain bottle" that is still delicious, there are a couple ways to get one without having to break the bank. However, both of these ways have one thing in common: Speaking to the sommelier (you know, the person who is in charge of all things wine) or beverage director.  

What are Gordon Ramsay's hacks?

The first of these two hacks, says Ramsay, is to ask about bottles on a bin-end list. This list includes leftover wine from a shift in wine menu selections, as well as bottles that have scratched labels and other visual defects. No, these bottles may not look beautiful in the holder alongside the table, but who is judging? You may end up with a bottle that you would have never been able to afford otherwise. 


The second way to ensuring your wine selection is both delicious and wallet friendly? Speak to the sommelier or beverage director about your needs and your budget, notes Ramsay. "We have a fear about talking to sommeliers because you think you're going to be ripped off. So get the sommelier to come up with a great glass or great bottle and give him a price. And make sure it's under $30 (£23.50)," he tells DailyMail

And, there you have it. Two ways to order wine that will make you the hero of the evening — and your bank account. 

