Trader Joe's Adorable Chew-Cuterie Dog Treats Have Shoppers Excited

Trader Joe's is attempting to find a new angle in the popular charcuterie trend: dog treats. 

@TraderJoesList, the unaffiliated account on Instagram that shares the latest TJ finds, published a post featuring the appropriately named Chew-Cuterie treats, saying, "My puppers Bu and Pot Pie are so excited for this box of treats! Pot Pie is happy as she loves meaty treats while Bu will eat anything! It's a one size fits all box of treats!" The 10-ounce box of assorted dog cookies has flavors like cheddar cheese, salami, provolone cheese, and prosciutto. Each box sells for $3.29.


To say that Trader Joe's knocked it out of the park with this new offering might be an understatement. As of publication, there are already 11,232 people that have liked the post, only a couple of hours since it first appeared. Most of the comments run along the lines of "OMG" accompanied by a tagged friend who also follows up with comments like "OMG." Other followers shared their dogs' names and expressed just how much they'd enjoy these treats. And one person had a great idea: "Let's do a wine night and make a board for the dogs."

With these treats, now pets everywhere will be able to enjoy a food trend of which they probably knew nothing about — but will be excited for now!

It might be best to give these treats to dogs in moderation

While the overall response to @TraderJoesList post was overwhelmingly positive, there were a few voices of discontent, taking issue with the ingredients used to make these treats. "These can't be healthy for dogs," one person wrote, "they are packed with preservatives."


The preservatives in question are citric acid and mixed tocherphols, both of which are not main ingredients. Citric acid, as LiveStrong explains, is produced with fermented sugars and microorganisms. According to Canadian Pet Connection, the more menacingly named tocherphols are essentially combinations of vitamin E. Both are used as more natural alternatives to chemical preservatives. So, yes, if you feed your dog egregious amounts of treats, it's not the best idea. However, the back of the snack box clearly states that these are meant as treats, not meals.

The other issue one person brings up is with the use of palm oils: "I think palm oil is bad for dogs though," they commented on the post. What they are likely referencing is the palm oil warnings given by organizations like Vets Now related to toxic blobs of palm oil that were recently appearing on English beaches. (Here, the law allows for palm oil to be disposed of at sea where it could be contaminated by fuel and other substances.) But Pet Honesty affirms that palm oil in its natural form is okay. The more general issue with palm oil, as Healthline explains, is mostly its environmental impact. So, don't be discouraged from spoiling your pooch especially with tasty treats like these.


