This Might Be The Exact Date Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha Returns In 2021

While calendar cycles were once dominated by religious feasts and public holidays, Starbucks' special drinks now define how we view our year. Currently, we are in Pumpkin Spice Latte season, but Peppermint Mocha season is just around the corner. So, when can we enjoy our wintry decadence?


It should be said that the following is educated speculation. Starbucks has not announced any official date nor has any anonymous source leaked the official date for this year's Peppermint Mocha launch.

But we have our guesses — and judging by past launches of the holiday drink, it seems reasonable to assume that Starbucks will begin promoting their Peppermint Mocha on or around November 1. This is because Starbucks often begins their holiday marketing campaigns on November 1 year after year. On November 1, 2014, pictures of the company's holiday-themed red cups began to circulate on Twitter. On November 1, 2015, Bustle reported that the Peppermint Mocha was available. On November 1, 2016, Starbucks issued a press release stating that their holiday campaign had begun. And in 2017, Day of the Human relayed the leaked date for the Peppermint Mocha as November 1 of that year.


In more recent times, however, Starbucks has pushed the release of their holiday drinks back a bit. In 2020, they announced the launch on November 5. In 2019, a press release declared the drinks were debuting November 7 of that year. And in 2018, Business Insider wrote that the drink would come out on November 2.

So, if we go by this data, look to November 1 as the possible first day to begin expecting the Peppermint Mocha, but be ready to wait a week or so into the month for the official launch.

You can order the Peppermint Mocha all year long

Not only do many want to know when they can start to order the Peppermint Mocha, but with the launch comes the looming deadline of when it will end for the season. But the good news is that, in the case of the Peppermint Mocha (unlike the Pumpkin Spice latte), you can actually order it all year.


According to Fansided, you can get a Peppermint Mocha anytime, whether it's November or July. Starbucks just doesn't market the drink outside of the holiday season. The official Starbucks Twitter account has even said so: "Did you know peppermint syrup is available year-round? If you're missing it, ask your barista to blend it into some cold foam to top your iced coffee." To make it just requires a few ingredients Starbucks always has on hand: A few pumps of peppermint syrup, a couple pumps of melted chocolate, espresso, steamed milk, and whipped cream. You would have to order it as a custom drink, so be a good customer if you do so and tip your barista for the extra work.

If you don't feel like heading out to Starbucks to get your Peppermint Mocha fix, the chain has also shared an DIY version of the recipe you can make at home. It's effectively the same ingredients, but you have to steam the milk on the stovetop or use a frother. Then, combine the ingredients, add the garnish, and enjoy.


So, although we need to wait a few more weeks for the official debut of the Peppermint Mocha, there are ways to still enjoy it now.

