Does Reese Witherspoon Really Eat Baby Food?

When it comes to celebrity diets and the lengths stars go to for their camera-ready bodies, it can be hard to separate truth from fiction. While there's no doubt that some people go to extremes in order to slim down, well-balanced diets are also common. Reese Witherspoon has been wowing her audiences on the big screen and red carpet since her debut in the early 1990s (via IMDb). Having spent the past few decades in the public light, Witherspoon is no stranger to scrutiny. Her age-defying appearance is regularly the subject of speculation and sources such as Eating Well try to pinpoint her secrets.


Among the numerous theories about how she stays in top form, Shape writes that Witherspoon is reported to have tried the baby food diet. The diet is pretty straightforward. As per the name, you simply replace breakfast and lunch with up to 14 jars of baby food, ending the day with a healthy dinner (via Shape). Although baby food itself is generally low in additives and high in nutrients, it isn't really intended for grown adults. Business Insider points out that there's nothing inherently weight loss-worthy about pureed baby food, noting that the diet mainly resorts to calorie restriction.

So what does Reese Witherspoon actually eat?

Aside from the gossip surrounding Witherspoon's dieting habits, her own reports don't include baby food. The actress told Us Weekly that she stays in shape by frequently working out and adds, "I don't believe in crash dieting or anything like that." An article in Canadian Living reported that Witherspoon snacked on baby food, but as a mother, it's possible that in some instances it was simply the most accessible snack around. Her former trainer Michael George commented to Shape that Witherspoon's enviable physique comes down to her focused exercise routine and healthy diet. 


In an interview with InStyle, the actress listed green smoothies and lentil soup among her favorite things. Fried steak and pasta were also among her preferred items, proving that she will happily eat solid food. Meanwhile, a glance at her Instagram account shows off her love for pizza, fried chicken, and other southern comfort foods. Along with some sweet treats and the occasional glass of wine or cocktail, it's clear that Witherspoon's diet and lifestyle leave room for fun.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, or know someone who is, help is available. Visit the National Eating Disorders Association website or contact NEDA's Live Helpline at 1-800-931-2237. You can also receive 24/7 Crisis Support via text (send NEDA to 741-741).


