Pizza Hut's Bizarre Valentine's Day Proposal Deal You Probably Forgot About

You know the old stereotype. A man gets down on his knee, takes the hand of his partner, and proposes to them in the middle of a date in a crowded restaurant. There's a long, meaningful speech, the partner gets all teary-eyed and giddy (hopefully), and the two embrace as the whole restaurant erupts into applause. It's a heartwarming display, seen on everything from Facebook feeds to sappy romance comedies. For whatever reason, restaurants just seem to be one of the places young people go to pop the question to their significant other, though BBC reasons that this is just a more "fantastic" and show-y side of American culture.


As time goes on, however, it seemed many restaurants wanted to get into the romance business as well. A happy couple could dress up for a night on the town and have a candlelit romantic dinner offered by either White Castle and Waffle House (via Time). Krispy Kreme offered a selection of delicious seasonal doughnuts alongside some heartfelt Valentine's cards that award the lucky recipient of said card a free doughnut (via BrandEating). As romantic as a doughnut or a hamburger dinner are, they paled to Pizza Hut and their Valentine's Day proposal package, which included everything from limos to balloons to fireworks and a ring.

Pizza Hut's proposal package includes fireworks, limos, and breadsticks

While you may associate Pizza Hut and Valentine's Day as eating some cheese sticks while watching Netflix with your partner, the restaurant decided to get a little more involved in your love life. In 2012, the Wichita-born pizza chain announced it would be giving away a Dinner Box Proposal Package, joining the ranks of other restaurants ready to make your date night unforgettable (via Eater). Unlike their pizza, however, this proposal package was far from cheesy.


For only a humble $10,010 dollars, the Proposal Package comes with a bouquet of flowers, a full-service limousine, an elaborate fireworks display, a photographer and videographer to capture the happy moment, and a diamond-studded engagement ring topped off with a real ruby. Oh, yeah, and you get the titular $10 dinner box so you and your betrothed can feed each other the famous Pizza Hut pan pizza as a happy couple. According to the press release, customers want the best, from food to a memorable experience, and if they could fit pizza, breadsticks, and cinnamon sticks in a box for $10, why not a marriage proposal?

Unfortunately, only 10 of these deliciously decadent proposal packages were available at the time, so it appears we may be out of luck for the ultimate pizza party/proposal for now. But, perhaps we can take some comfort in knowing that no one out-pizzas, or out-proposes, the Hut.


