This Is Twitter's Most Hated Fast Food Brand, According To New Study

If you want to understand people's true feelings, you can always take a look at what they're tweeting. According to the 2020 National Costumer Rage Survey conducted by CCMC, people are utilizing social media to post their customer complaints and to research brands before making a purchase at higher rates than ever before.


Twitter is always abuzz about what they think is so good it must be shared with the world. They want to tweet about the best new product from Trader Joe's, the awesome puppy treat you can get for free at a fast food restaurant, or just how great they felt in their new outfit. But people may tweet even more when they have a bad experience, are angry, or want to leave a negative review. The first response to a negative airline experience is to tweet at the company. A Domino's pizza with unexpected and possibly dangerous items mixed with the toppings went viral after being posted on social media.

Either way, Twitter has all the answers about what most people like and don't like. Over at Rave Reviews, a new study attempts to collect data by analyzing positive and negative tweets about different brands. One category they explored was fast food chains, and they've concluded that one restaurant is hated more than the rest.


A lot of Twitter users hate KFC

The study conducted by Rave Reviews set out to find the most hated brands people were mentioning on Twitter, using a software called SentiStrength to objectively assess whether a tweet expressed a positive or negative view of the brand mentioned. This data was used to calculate a "hate rate" for each brand as a percentage and rank the most hated brands in different categories. It also considered the results in different countries across the world.


In the fast food category, KFC had the highest hate rate in 14 different countries. The study cited tweets like "KFC is overrated. That's the tweet." It came in as the most hated fast food chain in The Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Barbados, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Uganda, Singapore, Namibia, the UAE, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago.

The most hated fast food chain in the US turned out to be Domino's, which came in with a hate rate of nearly 40%.

