This Big Change Is Coming To The Coca-Cola Brand

As a beverage company, Coca-Cola is a giant that has earned international recognition for its products over the years. As per Mental Floss, the classic aluminum Coke cans were first created for soldiers posted in international locations. By 1960, the company supplied Coke cans to the general public because they were seen as a convenient option. Additionally, Coke was once even marketed as an effective replacement for coffee. In the late 1980s, several consumers were exposed to an advertising campaign that tried to convince them that the soda was a much more practical option first thing in the morning compared to traditional hot coffee.


Coca-Cola has an update for its fans everywhere. As per the brand's website, it is revamping its brand image globally for the first time in five years. The company states that "the 'Real Magic' brand philosophy is rooted in the insight that magic lives in unexpected moments of connection that elevate the everyday into the extraordinary." This campaign promises to distract consumers from the mundane and offer them something new to cheer about.

It's definitely an upgrade

Per the Coca-Cola's site, Rapha Abreu, global vice president of design, said that its latest campaign is the most diverse effort so far in the history of the brand. "It is diverse not only in the creatives who helped bring 'Real Magic' to life and the people featured in the work, but also in the different photography and illustration styles, colors and treatments used," he added. Meanwhile, Manolo Arroyo, the company's chief marketing officer, referred to how much life has changed during the pandemic and said that this is an opportunity to embrace humanity and celebrate different perspectives.


Per Ad Week, Coca-Cola definitely suffered during the coronavirus pandemic as many places that sold the beverage, such as movie theaters and restaurants, were shut. This marketing shift aims to shake things up and help revive the brand among consumers. Also, as the company introduces several changes, it will get rid of brands that haven't been performing well in the market, such as Tab diet soda and Zico coconut water. 

