Wendy's Is Turning Your Favorite Frosty Flavor Into A Cereal

If you're a Wendy's fan, you know there's nothing like the cool, sweet moment of deliciousness when the taste of a chocolate Frosty first hits your tongue. And you wouldn't be alone — the milkshake-meets-soft-serve concoction sells 300 million units annually, according to Reader's Digest. Frosty desserts have been popular since day one; when Wendy's opened in 1969, it was one of the original five items on the menu (via Wendy's). Wendy's has since parlayed the dessert's success into another product that is sure to fall on your list of favorites: the Frosty-ccino, a blend of a chocolate Frosty and cold brew coffee that makes dessert for breakfast more socially acceptable and certainly more delectable.


To further satisfy the breakfast crowd, Wendy's has partnered with Kellogg's to create the newest Frosty product: Wendy's Frosty Chocolatey Cereal. The breakfast treat is made of "chocolate-flavored marshmallow pieces that blend with crispy, cocoa-coated cereal bites" (via Foodbeast). Naturally, it's supposed to conjure up the taste of a Frosty.

Enjoy a Frosty for breakfast

But you'd better stock up soon; When Wendy's Frosty Chocolatey Cereal hits store shelves in December 2021, it will only be for a limited time. How limited this time frame is remains unclear. The suggested retail price of a standard 8.3-ounce box will be $3.99, or you can purchase a 13.2-ounce family size box for $5.69, according to Nerdist.


Anticipatory excitement for the cereal is already growing, as one Reddit user wrote, "Please be good please be good please be good."

What's even better for Frosty fans is that each box contains a coupon for a free small Frosty or Frosty-ccino with any purchase made through the Wendy's app (via Foodbeast). One Nerdist writer had the perhaps genius idea of replacing the milk in the cereal with a Frosty for the ultimate chocolatey experience.

Don't mind us. We'll just be over here enjoying Frostys for every meal.

