Is Tiny Food Fight's Mamrie Hart Related To Hannah Hart?

Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart are two-thirds of the so-called "Holy Trinity" of content creators who were making YouTube videos before it was cool (via IndieWire). The two Harts might be the Son and the Holy Ghost in this Trinity metaphor, and Grace Helbig would be the Father (playing real fast and loose with the gender markers here). "Grace is the OG," Mamrie Hart told IndieWire in 2016. "Everyone has replicated her. She's going to be in the history books."


Mamrie and Hannah have a lot in common, including their last names. But by all accounts, they're not related. Sure, they could conceivably be sisters since they're only three years apart, but Hannah grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area (via ABC News), while Mamrie was raised all the way across the country in North Carolina, according to The Yadkin Ripple. That said, the two fast friends are like twins in their lives as professional entertainers. It's kind of uncanny.

Hannah Hart had her moment in the Food Network spotlight with the show "I Hart Food," which had one six-episode season in 2017 (via IMDb). Once Mamrie Hart learned the TV-show name "I Hart Food" had already been taken, she opted to host "Tiny Food Fight," which started streaming on Discovery+ September 16 (via Broadway World).


They're unrelated, but in a sense Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart are YouTube twins

Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart both have a food show on their resumes. But their careers have paralleled each other in many other ways. They performed in a live variety show together — with Grace Helbig, of course — called #NoFilterShow, per Insider. They also worked together on movie projects: 2013's "Camp Takota" and "Dirty 30" in 2016.


Both Harts, like Helbig before them, became YouTube sensations early in their careers, propelling them to more mainstream fame on other platforms. (Now, of course, YouTube is a mainstream platform.) Here's where Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart (no relation!) are uncanny non-biological twins. Hannah's YouTube existence started on March 16, 2011, when she posted "My Drunk Kitchen Ep. 1: Butter Yo S***." She uploaded that video only to get a laugh out of one specific friend of hers. Little did Hannah know, a decade later it would be viewed almost 4.5 million times.

Mamrie Hart's current YouTube channel was born March 13, 2011, with a video titled "Charlie Sheen's Tiger Blood Gimlet." So, the two Harts got their start in content creation by making YouTube videos about booze, three days apart. The fact that these siblings in spirit found each other within the great big entertainment community was simply a matter of good fortune, not family ties.


