Why Andrew Zimmern Just Called Out The Cooking Channel On Twitter

Whether you regularly turn on the Travel Channel or the Cooking Channel, there's a pretty good chance you'll see Andrew Zimmern. From reruns of the iconic "Bizarre Foods" series to new episodes of "The Zimmern List" and "Delicious Destinations," the celebrity chef's shows cover anything and everything related to cultures and cuisines around the world. 


Though the general theme of Zimmern's shows is similar across the board, the programs are pretty easy to tell apart once you watch them. And that's precisely why Zimmern recently called out the Cooking Channel on Twitter for making a simple mistake by mixing them up. The network announced an upcoming rerun in which Zimmern visits Vienna and tries kaiserschmarrn, but they accidentally referred to the scene as being from "Bizarre Foods," despite the fact that it's actually from "Delicious Destinations." 

Zimmern was quick to correct the error in his re-Tweet. "Hey @cookingchannel, the show is 'Delicious Destinations,'" he wrote. "You air both that show and 'Bizarre Foods' all the time and I'm thrilled you do, but they are easy to tell apart."


'Delicious Destinations' is actually a spinoff of 'Bizarre Foods'

Though the two Zimmern-starred shows go by different names, "Delicious Destinations" is technically called "Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations." That's because, according to Eater, it's actually just a spinoff. That's likely how the Cooking Channel confused the names in their Tweet. Though the differentiation is that, in "Delicious Destinations," instead of Andrew Zimmern introducing audiences to otherwise unknown food specialties of various countries, he showcases the classic dishes that are well-known in the region. That means the Italy episodes aren't all about the maggot-infested cheese only found in Sardinia, but rather highlighting staples like pasta and gelato.


But aside from the fact that Zimmern doesn't eat any bizarre foods on the show, there's also the fact that he doesn't travel anywhere either, so the format of "Delicious Destinations" is entirely different from that of "Bizarre Foods." In fact it's all voiceover-based and shot on a green screen, the host once clarified on Twitter. The shows may be cut from the same cloth, but once you actually see an episode of each, you'll realize they're quite different — and Zimmern made sure the Cooking Channel's Twitter followers recognized that.

