When To Splurge On High Quality Meat, According To Andrew Zimmern

Most people would likely agree that while you don't have to buy expensive T-bone steaks for every meal, the quality of the meat you purchase is important nonetheless. The U.S. Department of Agriculture notes that the highest-grade cuts of beef are the juiciest and most tender and have the best marbling, which also makes them more flavorful. The cows these cuts come from are young and well-fed. The Kaido Health Hub points out that livestock with a high-quality diet and good living conditions, while costlier, may also yield more nutritious meat. 


But for some, the allure of buying lower-quality meat to save money can still be compelling, as there is no denying meat is a fairly expensive purchase. According to Talk Business, the price of meat has surged in 2021, especially during grilling season. However, Andrew Zimmern advises that, at the very least, you should go for the splurge in one specific instance.

Let's talk tataki

Andrew Zimmern, or "chefaz," as he calls himself on Instagram, recently posted a video of him preparing a mouthwatering Japanese beef tataki. Shogun Japanese Steakhouse notes that "tataki" has a couple of different culinary definitions. The term is often used for beef for fish that's raw inside but has a seared exterior. The second definition is "to pound or hammer," which refers to pounding or grinding ginger into a paste for the dish.


Zimmern notes that part of beef tataki's appeal is its "stunning" appearance and "even better" taste. But the chef but cautions that you should "buy the best beef you can get your hands on." This is important, he warns, as "it's served very rare." His recipe for beef tataki with ponzu sauce, which he shared on his website, calls for beef sirloin, which he calls "a tender, luxury cut." It's only heated for three or so minutes on each side.

According to Healthline, eating raw meat can cause illness from foodborne bacteria, so ensuring you buy quality meat is key. The site advises that, when preparing it at home, you should take special care to determine where the meat came from. So listen to Andrew Zimmern and the health sites and splurge if you're going to forego the grill.


