TikTok Is A Little Grossed Out By This McDonald's Pregnancy Announcement

Sometimes, we wonder if people are getting carried away with their pregnancy announcements. These days, a lot of social media users want their special moment to get as many views as possible — and they go to extreme measures to make it happen.


Take TikTok couple JoshandLisa for example. In their video captioned, "The sweetest pregnancy announcement," Lisa hid her positive pregnancy test inside a McDonald's ice cream cone, which she then handed to her partner. And this wasn't at home. The mother-to-be appears to have conducted a pregnancy test, waited for a positive result, and, in the McDonald's dining room, slid it into her partner's dessert as a surprise. She used her finger to smooth out the ice cream over the test before giving it to Josh, who was waiting at a table with a friend. She did put the protective cap back on the stick, but still, this looks less than sanitary.

Next, Lisa encouraged Josh to quickly eat his ice cream. When he complained of brain freeze, she began to drop the hints: "You've always wanted a brain freeze. ... We've been waiting for this brain freeze for a really long time." The friend sitting next to the husband quickly caught on and looked delighted, but the guy was none the wiser. When he finally licked his way down to the pregnancy test, he was startled at first — but ultimately happy when he realized what he had found.


Is the ice cream announcement even real?

Some TikTok users were put off by the ol' pregnancy-test-in-an-ice-cream-cone trick and weren't shy about sharing their thoughts. Daze_713 said, "That's disgusting." Tessa Berry added, "You PEED on that." Julie Jacqueline just commented, "Y'all gotta staaaaap," while Mina Mo was wondering what ever happened to breaking the news with a simple note? Some users thought the whole thing was staged (although the friend looked genuinely surprised and was brought to tears by the announcement) because it seems unlikely that Josh would be willing to eat an ice cream cone that looked as though "it had been dropped," noted GMO605.


Others came to Lisa's defense, saying that she might have used a clean pregnancy test for the gag after setting aside the original positive stick. In fact, a few pointed out that the lines indicating a positive result appeared "too dark" to be real and might have been the work of a Sharpie. Of course, the funniest comments ignored the point completely. Several TikTokers shared in the surprise of Kami Denny, who commented, "Hold up...the ice cream machine worked?" At any rate, Josh and Lisa (and their friend) seemed very happy to be pregnant, and we're happy for them, too. Congratulations!

