The Bizarrely Artistic Way This TikToker Uses Chicken Nuggets

It may seem unfathomable to do anything but devour a 20-piece order of chicken nuggets, but one TikToker employs the bite-sized pieces of poultry for more than just a tasty meal. According to MLive, 22-year-old Zachary Lind has found a full-time job in preserving chicken nuggets and turning them into works of art that he sells through his business, Nuggy Buddy. "We were thinking of stupid ideas. It ended up being to preserve a chicken nugget, put it in a giant picture frame, and hang it up," Lind explained to MLive about how he came up with his now-viral nugget creations back in 2017. "Once we hung it up, it was fun to start selling them as a conversation piece."


Like many nugget lovers, Lind prefers McDonald's signature Chicken McNuggets for his Nuggy Buddy creations and purchases them in orders of 500. The Kalamazoo-native uses a special drying method to prep the nuggs for an epoxy coating that makes them shiny and, more importantly, unsusceptible to damage, and then transforms them into magnets, necklaces, and various characters like the "Thug Nug," all of which are available for purchase on the Nuggy Buddy website. On his TikTok page, however, Lind gets even more creative with his chicken nugget art.

Here are some of the things Zachary Lind has created with chicken nuggets

Since joining TikTok in May 2021, Zachary Lind, who goes by Nuggy.Buddy on the social media platform, has taken his love for chicken nuggets to the extreme. Along with showing off his slightly bizarre tchotchkes, the 22-year-old has also transformed the fast-food menu staple into a table, a skateboard, and more recently, an electric guitar. Lind showed the process of putting together the instrument with a series of seven TikTok videos, the last of which earned over 613,000 views and dozens of comments. "That's so cool :)," one person commented, while another said they would "pay so much money" for the fully-functioning instrument (via TikTok).


"The fact that it actually looks good is crazy. You would think there's only so much you can do with chicken nuggets. YOU WOULD BE WRONG," added a third fan, who certainly seems to be right with their assertion. Along with telling MLive that he has plans to add a line of plushes to his Nuggy Buddy store, Lind has also enlisted some of his more than 38,000 TikTok followers to help determine what his next big nugget project should be. Amongst the suggestions are a baseball bat, a piano, and a pool table (via TikTok), and though he does not appear to have gotten started on anything yet, we're sure it's only a matter of time before his chicken nugget art breaks the internet again.

