This Is The Biggest Mistake People Make When Hosting Guests, According To Daphne Oz

Today is fall equinox, which not only means fall has officially begun, but that the holiday season is right around the corner. For many people that means a long lineup of social gatherings, gift exchange events, and family get-togethers. And while the holidays mean different things to different people, there's at least one thing that we can all agree on: holiday entertaining is complicated.


Daphne Oz, former co-host of ABC's "The Chew" and current host of "The Dish on Oz," recently sat down with Harry & David (a multi-brand food and gift company) to discuss the finer points of surviving (and enjoying) the holidays, covering everything favorite holiday traditions, table décor ideas, and go-to meals for groups of family and friends. On the topic of hosting, and the common mistakes people make while entertaining guests, Oz had some useful advice to share. The biggest mistake in entertaining, you might think, would be the mistake of not doing enough: not offering enough appetizers, not inviting enough guests, or not serving enough courses at dinner. But in Oz's view, the biggest mistake people make while entertaining is just the opposite: the biggest mistake is doing too much.


Hosting your party and attending it, too

"Biting off too much," Oz told Harry & David, is the biggest mistake in holiday entertaining, "The best rule of thumb for throwing a beautiful party and actually enjoying it is once guests are settled in, you get to be one of them. Don't attempt new dishes that are going to stress you out while hosting and don't try to do everything if you don't have the time." The advice is surprising, coming from the prolific Oz — who holds an Emmy Award for her work in television, has authored multiple best-selling books, and whose Instagram timeline looks like a series of stills from a Hallmark movie. And with the development of her lifestyle brand (now including a curation deal with Harry & David), Daphne Oz is, in a way, a poster child for elaborate holiday entertaining.


As it turns out, though, Oz's advice against "biting off too much" comes from first-hand experience. "I've been guilty of this so many times," she said. "[I've] kicked myself for trying to do too much when a simpler meal would have meant more time with the people I want to spend time with, and food that was just as satisfying and fun to eat." So take it from Oz this holiday season: keep your parties simple, and try to think of yourself not only as a host but as a guest. It might just end up being the best party you've ever attended.

