Try This If Your Muffins Are Stuck To The Baking Pan

Muffins are delicious, but sticky muffins can be a true nightmare. Trying to pry an army of stubborn muffins from the confinement of their baking tin is harder than taking a stroll along the surface of Jupiter. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger would struggle — and he's battled invisible aliens.


However, do not let self-doubt creep in when taking on this incredible task. After all, it's not your fault that your freshly baked muffins are unnecessarily vindictive. Like all bad guys, newly formed muffins need to be treated with superhuman strength and resolve (although whipping out a destructive laser beam should be used only as an absolute last resort).

Fortunately, fighting with your muffins is an exhausting and humiliating challenge that can at last be consigned to the past. Battle-hardened experts, determined through years of fighting troublesome and aggressive muffins, have created a wide array of top tips you can use to make your home baking life a great deal easier.

There are many tactics you can use to stop muffins from sticking

Food & Wine recommends trying perhaps the most obvious option first. Rather than attempting to bash, pick, and pull your muffins from their tray as soon as they've left the oven, it's best to leave them until they have thoroughly cooled. Then, turn your muffin tin upside down and give it a firm hit to loosen the muffins.


If this endeavor initially fails, Food & Wine suggests dunking the bottom of the baking tray in hot water before trying again. Baking Kneads advises that a wet towel would work just as well.

Adopting the theory that prevention is better than cure, Baking Kneads additionally recommends investing in a quality muffin tin, especially one that is non-stick. Along with this, greasing the tin and dusting it with flour is key to ensuring muffins pop out of their baking tray without a fight, as well as using paper liners to cover the bottom of the muffins.

