What Actors Are Really Drinking In Movies Instead Of Booze

Anyone who's ever sipped on a drink likely knows that even a little alcohol can add up over time. And if it can add up over time, then how could actors actually drink the alcohol they appear to in movies and on television? That doesn't even begin to take into account how many takes on each scene they might have to do.


While some actors actually choose to drink that much alcohol to really get their part right, others are simply that good at their craft. Johnny Depp is one such actor who drinks the actual booze. In fact, he took 11 shots of Jack Daniel's while filming one scene for "Arizona Dream." But for those who would prefer to put their drunken act to the test, the drink swap of choice is typically iced tea. According to Indie Wire, most actors you see throwing back whiskey, scotch, or bourbon are probably just having a nice glass of tea served up in a bar glass instead.

Iced tea isn't the only swap, though

According to Thrillist, water that has been dyed with food coloring is also used in place of certain drinks. Since many drinks are simply colored water, you might assume that other clear-alcohol drinks like James Bond's martinis are just water with olives dropped in. But that is not always the case. For example, Shia LaBeouf actually drank straight moonshine on and off the set of "Lawless." His drunkenness — along with Tom Hardy's — was so volatile and frightening that his co-star Mia Wasikowska nearly quit the movie.


But alcohol isn't the only substance that is sometimes replicated on the sets of films and television. Even during prime-time friendly "Gilmore Girls," a substitute drink was used for Alexis Bledel's coffee, according to Cheat Sheet. Apparently, Bledel hated coffee and opted for soda in her coffee mug anytime she actually took a sip from her cup during a scene. The color and even the occasional bubble were similar enough to freshly poured coffee that it convinced the show's cultish following.

So, don't take the drinks you see on television and in movies for granted. You likely won't be able to tell if they are real or not, anyway.

