The First Zero-Carb Beer Is Coming In 2022. Here's What We Know

If you're following a diet that requires you to watch your calories, the first thing to get thrown out of the refrigerator and into the bin is probably the beer (even before you get to the sugar). If you are beer savvy, though, chances are that you have simply decided to swap your usual pint for a lighter version. According to Health, any beer that wants to label its brew as light needs to have one-third the calories of its original version. If you are cutting your calories, going for a light beer usually means that it has fewer carbs and with that, a lower percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV).


So, chances are you've been swapping Budweiser for Bud Light, a 110-calorie bottle that contains about 30 to 50 calories less than its original version (via LiveStrong). Anheuser-Busch, the brewery behind Budweiser and Bud Light, has announced that it's going to launch a brew that's going to get light beer drinkers even more pumped about low-carb beers.

People reports that the brewery is set to launch an even lighter version of Bud Light called Bud Light Next in 2022. Bud Light Next, Anheuser-Busch says, is going to be the first zero-carb beer in the market.

The zero-carb beer has been in the making for ten years

Vice President of Marketing for Bud Light Next Andy Goeler told CNN Business that Bud Light Next is going to be the "next generation of light beer for the next generation of beer drinkers." While low-carb beers are not a rarity in the market (take Bud Light as an example), Goeler claims that there's no beer that goes down to zero carbs despite there being a market for it.


Developing this next generation of beer was what Goeler calls "Project Impossible" because it took more 130 prototypes of the beer and 10 years of research to finally be able to launch the new brew. Bud Light Next, he says, is "light, refreshing and clean" with notes of citrus in the beer.

While a 12-ounce bottle of Bud Light has 110 calories, Bud Light Next is going to be 30 calories fewer in comparison. A 12-ounce bottle of Bud Light Next will have 80 calories and about the same alcohol by volume (ABV) as Bud Light at 4%. The brewery says that Bud Light Next will be available in packs of six and 12 and in both canned and bottled forms with a price tag slightly higher than that of Bud Light.

