35% Of People Wish These Discontinued Cookies Would Make A Comeback

Some of the best snack food that have graced grocery store aisles have been discontinued. Some might have been a limited-time offer, while others simply didn't make the cut. To find out which formerly loved but discontinued cookies Mashed readers miss the most, 639 people across the United States were polled. The options included Apple Newtons, Keebler Magic Middles, Oreo Big Stuf, Lunchables Cookies n Frosting, Moon Pie Crunch, and Giggles cookies.


Through the survey, Mashed found that there was a very clear top, middle, and bottom as to which cookies people miss most. Those that very few wanted back included Giggles cookies and Lunchables Cookies n Frosting. Giggles cookies received a meager 2.97% of the vote from just 19 people out of more than 600 voters. Lunchables Cookies n Frosting earned three times the number of votes, making up 9.70% of the vote. That's still 62 people out of the entire polled group.

These were the favorites among the discontinued cookies

The middle-of-the-road discontinued cookies that some clearly want back included both Apple Newtons and Keebler Magic Middles. The Keebler Magic Middles fell short of the Apple Newtons receiving 13.62% of the vote from 87 people. Apple Newtons garnered 17.53% of the vote. That's a respectable 112 votes for the fruity and chewy cookies. With those two options making up the middle of the poll, that leaves just two options that the majority of people wanted back.


Between Moon Pie Crunch and Oreo Big Stuf cookies, more than 50% of the total votes were cast. Moon Pie Crunch received less than a quarter of the votes, still with just 20.97% of the poll. That translates to 134 people voting for the discontinued Moon Pie-flavored cookies. Ultimately, it was Oreo Big Stuf that won a whopping 35.21% of the vote. That's 225 people out of the 639 who responded to the poll who wanted to see the mega-stuffed Oreos make a comeback. Perhaps we'll see them on the shelves again one day. Throwback foods have been hitting grocery store shelves more often these days, after all.

