This Is The State With The Most Starbucks Stores

It seems like there's a Starbucks on every corner no matter what state you're in, but this is extra true in California, which boasts more locations than any other by a long shot. With nearly 3,000 of the Seattle-based cafes to its credit currently, The Golden State is way ahead of the second-place state of Texas, which has 1,215, according to Eat This, Not That!


But, you might say, California has a huge population, so it makes sense that they have the most Starbucks locations. Be that as it may, the Gold Coast has one Starbucks for every 13,349 people, compared with the national average of one coffee-slinging location for every 22,313 people. That's nearly double! Of every metro in California, the most locations are found in the Burbank/Los Angeles area. Because, if TMZ has taught us anything, it's that stars really need their morning cup of joe before hitting the set or the runway.

The Starbucks stranglehold

Indeed, Starbucks has only improved its vice-like grip on the country, if not the world. The company currently has more than 15,000 locations in the U.S. alone, says Vine Pair. That's nearly half of the worldwide total of nearly 33,000 (as of 2020), per Finances Online. The juggernaut's influence shows no sign of slowing down either, as Finances Online also points out that the company's year-over-year growth has nearly doubled in the last 10 years.


Per Forbes, Starbucks reported revenues of $7.54 billion for the fiscal quarter ending in June, 2021, so it's on the road to recovering from the hellscape that was 2020. No doubt this is helped along by a menu that is far more expensive than home-brewed coffee. In fact, according to Fast Food Menu Prices, a grande cafe latte is $3.65 before tax, which comes out to $1,332.25 per year if enjoyed daily. Don't have a Starbucks near you? Don't fret too much. Restaurant Dive says that the chain has plans to open 1,100 new locations in 2021, although most are international. Sounds like Starbucks is moving from grande to trenta all in one fell swoop!

