Costco Fans Think It's Never 'Too Soon' To Bring Back This Sweet Seasonal Favorite

As a warehouse retailer, Costco does pretty well for itself, offering a wide range of options available to meet the needs and tastes of just about every kind of customer. According to Cheapism, the brand has an impressive presence in the U.S. as well as in other countries, including Canada, Mexico, the U.K., and Japan. Costco has millions of cardholders who swear by the brand and its products.


Additionally, Costco stocks many seasonal items for its patrons, ensuring that they always have something new to look forward to. A few Redditors even discussed some of their most favorite seasonal items at the store. One customer wrote, "Their tofu blocks! They only have them right around Chinese New Year, but I love them! They're good tofu ... I always grab a few cases around that time." Another fan mentioned carrot cupcakes and added, "I daydream about them." Such dedication!

And as far as seasonal items are concerned, there's a special winter holiday product that's already starting to show up in Costco stores. And yes, it's super popular.

Say hello to eggnog

An Instagram user recently posted a photo of an eggnog wine cocktail from Kirkland, Costco's in-house brand, and asked, "Too soon? Or never too soon?" Commentators were pretty enthusiastic with their responses. A Costco customer said that they're really fond of this beverage. Another fan wrote, "Not too soon at all! This just made me want to get up and go see if my store has it."


According to Pop Sugar, this drink is made using dairy cream and has appeared several times on Costco shelves in the past. It remains a go-to option for many Costco customers' celebrations. Bear in mind that the drink has 13.9% ABV, and is a good option if you're feeling a bit festive. A Redditor praised the eggnog and said, "Yeah, it's super tasty! I was a little worried [because] it's wine and not whiskey, but definitely can't tell the difference." Another fan advised others to try the drink with milk and ice cubes. Yum!

