McDonald's Monopoly Winners Are Noticing A Big Problem With This Year's Prizes

While customers at McDonald's locations in the UK did not expect to win anything too outrageous from this year's McDonald's Monopoly, they did expect to win something. So when, as LADbible reports, customers won their prizes only to discover the expiration date was set up to three months prior, they were understandably angry. After all, this year's McDonald's Monopoly only began on August 25.


"So when putting the codes in McDonalds are we also meant to buy a time machine?" one customer asked. Others raised similar points, all feeling tricked into buying McDonald's under false pretenses.

Of course, these dates were a mistake. The worldwide chain had no intention of destroying its reputation with such an ill-conceived prank. McDonald's explained to The Sun that the tickets had been printed before the spike in coronavirus cases forced them to push back the date of the promotion. They've also updated their Monopoly website explaining the situation. Whether this was an attempt at ecological practices or a simple oversight was left unsaid.

How McDonald's rectified the situation

McDonald's solution to the UK Monopoly misprints is a sensible one. According to their website, they have simply pushed the dates back by five months. As the beginning of the overall playing period has moved from March to August, the ending period has moved from May to October. You now can redeem your McDonald's food prizes by October 19, your other prizes by November 5, and your discount vouchers by January 31. So, no one should have anything to complain about on that front.


The biggest prize to play for, according to The Mirror, is a claim to the VIP Gold Card. The 1,000 people who win this will be entitled to a one medium meal each week for 12 months. However, a quick glance over the rules for McDonald's Monopoly reveals a long and varied list of prizes that would excite almost anyone. And for now, not even the march of time can drag you away.

