Taco Bell's New Chicken Sandwich Taco Is Guaranteed To Spark A Big Debate

Marking the two-year anniversary of a stray tweet from Popeyes that sparked the eternal launches we later dubbed "the Chicken Sandwich Wars," Taco Bell will finally release their Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco. Beginning in early September on a day not yet announced, Taco Bell will officially be engaged.


"Each sandwich is served in a puffy bread, shaped in an iconic taco form and filled with a piece of crispy tortilla chicken and flavorful signature creamy chipotle sauce," Taco Bell told USA Today in a statement they released in February. It will also come with a jalapeño-topped option. The puffy bread resembles a bun, but is still folded into a taco shape.

Originally sold for $2.49 in Nashville, Tennessee, and Charlotte, North Carolina, Taco Bell's Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco evidently proved a popular enough item to warrant its entry in the already saturated market of chicken sandwiches. However, whether it becomes the first non-fried chicken restaurant to actually succeed in challenging either Chick-fil-A or Popeyes will have to be seen.


Taco Bell intends to make this a debate

As this is the internet, it is safe to bet that already people have arrived at their entrenched opinion as to whether Taco Bell's Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco is actually a sandwich or a taco playing pretend.


In The Takeout's report, it appears that this emotion is Taco Bell's aim. The press release teases, "Is this disruptive, delicious new item a sandwich or a taco, you ask?" before concluding, "Well, it's a sandwich AND a taco. And it doesn't have to explain itself to be this delicious." However, the company has still invited the debate teams of the University of Georgia and Clemson University to hash out the matter during the ad breaks for the universities' football match on September 4.

The idea follows the logic that there is no bad publicity. If people argue about the category to which Taco Bell's menu option belongs, then awareness raises ever higher. Perhaps it is their best bet for dislodging Burger King as the best new chicken sandwich pretender.


