In Rachael Ray's Career, One Recipe Stands Above The Rest

In an interview with ABC News in 2006, Rachael Ray referred to herself as a "hick from the sticks," but she certainly is no longer. The 52-year-old super chef, has built up her own culinary empire and skyrocketed to stardom. The modest TV personality constantly says that she is "not a chef, but a cook" (via CBS News). While she may not have received formal training like most celebrity chefs, Ray grew up surrounded by food. "My first vivid memory is watching my mom in a restaurant kitchen. She was flipping something with a spatula," Ray shared with Food Network. "I tried to copy her and ended up grilling my right thumb! I was 3 or 4." It just goes to show, some of the best education comes from real-life experiences.


Today, Ray, host of "30 Minute Meals" and "Rachel Ray," has published more than 28 books and boasts an astonishing net worth of $100 million (via Celebrity Net Worth). Known for bubbly personality, trademark sense of humor, and the way she can take simple recipes and make them gourmet, the New York-native has cooked thousands of meals in her lifetime. But which recipe is Ray's best of all time?

Rachael Ray's pasta carbonara has special meaning in her marriage

Throughout her years long career, the culinary mastermind has shared a slew of yummy recipes. And, with such a large assortment, it's tricky settling on the creme de le creme of all of Ray's recipes. So how do we decide? We defer to the person who knows her cooking the best: Her husband, John Cusimano.


According to the Rachael Ray Show, Cusimano's favorite recipe is Ray's pasta carbonara. This humble, traditionally Italian dish is a bacon and egg pasta. And, while it's simple, it's also mouthwateringly delicious. "This is the food of the people!" Ray wrote in "Cooking 'Round the Clock" (via Good Housekeeping). Not only does this meal taste incredible, it also holds a special place in Ray's heart. "I knew [Cusimano] was the man to marry when I asked him what he would like for his birthday dinner," Ray also shared in the book. "I offered up lobster, steak, fine foods of all nationalities, to which he replied: 'Can I just have some of your carbonara?'"

In addition to being Cusimano's top choice, Ray's pasta carbonara is also a favorite of her many fans. In 2015, the chef released her Top 10 Favorite Recipes and the dish was listed in the top spot (via Rachael Ray Show). 


If you're thinking of whipping up this dish tonight, why not try Rachel Ray's famous carbonara recipe with a special Mashed twist.

