This Billionaire Used Coupons To Treat Bill Gates To McDonald's

When it comes to food, Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates, has interesting preferences. According to TheStreet, Gates enjoys his share of fast food, specifically classic options like burgers and soda. He keeps things simple with delicious cheeseburgers and is especially a fan of McDonald's. The entrepreneur also enjoys scarfing down burgers from In-N-Out. Plus, he loves Diet Coke and has a few cans every day.


His former wife, Melinda Gates, isn't too fond of this habit, though. She generally avoids beverages with sugar. She also has specific portion requirements that she asks her chefs to keep in mind. Interestingly, years ago, Bill explored a vegetarian lifestyle briefly thanks to some of his friends and the fact that he was "flying a lot for work and found that the airplane meals made with tomatoes and beans just tasted better than the shoe-leather beef." 

Of course, Bill isn't the only well-known personality who loves getting fast food. In fact, he's in really good company. 

Warren Buffett is also a fan of McDonald's

According to CNBC, Warren Buffett may have a massive empire, but his food indulgences are refreshingly simple and relatable. According to Bill and Melinda Gates, Buffett once took them out for a sit-down meal to a McDonald's outlet in Hong Kong. In 2017, Bill recalled the event in his annual letter, writing, "Remember the laugh we had when we traveled together to Hong Kong and decided to get lunch at McDonald's? You offered to pay, dug into your pocket, and pulled out ... coupons... it reminded us how much you value a good deal." Buffett is just like the rest of us, huh?


Make no mistake: Buffett really does enjoy his McDonald's meals and has often been spotted at its outlets, ordering super affordable items, like a couple of sausage patties; a classic bacon, egg, and cheese; or a traditional sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich. 

