The Massive Amount Of Money Cooking With Paris Had To Spend On Dry-Cleaning

Anyone who has watched "Cooking With Paris," Paris Hilton's new Netflix series, has likely witnessed the host's wild fashion choices. At the beginning of each episode, Hilton shops for ingredients while wearing black velvet, pearls, a Christian Cowan-designed dress, and other haute couture (via WWD). Hilton then dons a new outfit for the meal's prep work and subsequently changes into an entirely new glamourous look while cooking with her guests.


When you consider the strain that cooking and shopping places on Hilton's garments, it makes sense that each clothing item requires a lot of care afterward. In an exclusive interview with Mashed, Hilton discussed how running around the supermarkets damaged her clothes and particularly how cooking with blue marshmallows made a real mess. It just makes sense that after all of this wear and tear, each article of clothing had to get carefully dry-cleaned and resulted in a massive bill (via New York Post).

An astronomical dry-cleaning bill

Hilton didn't make a single fashion concession when she had to prepare messy food. The New York Post pointed out how Hilton simply didn't wear an apron while cooking, and how her one of her coat's particularly long fringe got in the way while assembling meals. The biggest revelation of all was likely the series' $2,000 dry-cleaning bill, a huge commitment to keeping the series fashion-forward.


While the cleaning bill could easily make anyone wince, this decision was a clear part of Hilton's vision for the show, as she explained to Mashed. Hilton wanted to combine cooking with comedy and couture, and thanks to her sky-high dry-cleaning bill, she certainly achieved her goal. $2,000 might seem incredibly steep for a cooking show budget, but that amount was only a drop in the bucket considering Hilton prepared meals with $1,000 truffles, among other luxury ingredients. With a massive budget like this, "Cooking With Paris" provided Hilton to show off her glamourous style and food, all while keeping audiences hungry for more. 

