The Unexpected Reason People Can't Stop Talking About Chrissy Teigen's New French Fry Movie

"Our delicious letter of love has arrived on @peacocktv!!," Chrissy Teigen posted on Instagram on August 10, barely able to contain her excitement about the release that day of "Fries! The Movie," a documentary by Anthony Bourdain's production company, Zero Point Zero, in collaboration with Teigen's Huntley Productions (via Variety). "And I'm a producer so if I get an actual award for eating French fries with [chef and close friend of Bordain], @ericripert and watching footage of hot oil, u guys can all be inspired to also follow your dreams" (via Instagram).


Teigen, who has actually-not-so-improbably transitioned from swimsuit model to dyed-in-the-wool foodie and culinary expert in her own right (she did go to culinary school, after all, via Spoon University), is not only a producer of the film but also one of its stars, sharing her "fanatical love" of the "fried potato side dish" that has, over time, become one of the best loved foods that exists around the world (via Variety). Her involvement in the film may be somewhat controversial due to the fact that Teigen has recently been accused of social media bullying (via NPR). However, that isn't what people are talking about at the moment. Read on for the unexpected reason people can't stop talking about Chrissy Teigen's new French fry movie.


Chrissy Teigen's strange luck has led to unexpected talk about her French fries movie

Chrissy Teigen has managed to draw attention to herself at virtually every turn of late, some positive (such as the love and support she received after the loss of her unborn child, Jack, via Today) and some utterly scathing (such as the social media bullying scandal that she became embroiled in after it was revealed that over the years she has fired off nasty notes on social media to other women, via NPR). So why would today be any different? And so it is that people can't seem to stop talking about Teigen's new movie about French fries ("Fries: The Movie"). But the reason for all the chatter is somewhat unusual and ends with an unexpected twist.


Two hours after Teigen posted a photo of the "Fries" movie poster to Instagram, she was alerted to the fact that her name was spelled wrong on the poster (putting the "i" before the "e") and she responded by posting the comment: "They say having your name spelled wrong on the poster is good luck" (via Instagram). Polarized as Teigen-watchers have come to be these days, some assured her it was no big deal with comments like "I before e except when its TEI-gen," while others saw it as an opportunity to poke fun (karmic retribution, perhaps?). In any event, the post has since had its comments set to "limited," with comments by "meanies" having been deleted. 

