The Truth About Colombian Coffee

Coffee is a lifesaver for many that swear by its ability to wake you up on a dreary morning, as you get ready to face a hectic day full of tasks. Those who are particular about caffeine will be able to tell you that Colombia is one of the most well-known producers of coffee beans globally. According to Coffee Hunter, coffee is sacred in the country and is a major source of income for millions of locals. This makes sense, considering the country has around 875,000 hectares of land that solely focuses on coffee. 


When it comes to coffee from the region, though, there are a few misconceptions that continue to trouble coffee drinkers in different parts of the world. A barista shed light on a common myth surrounding Colombian coffee that many folks tend to miss (via Imgur). "All the coffee we drink comes from different parts of the world capable of growing coffee, and are named after their native regions," they explained. "Chiapas coffee is grown in the Mexican state of Chiapas, Yirgacheffe is grown in the Yirgacheffe district of Ethiopia, and so on."

It's not a type of roast

The barista offered a detailed post on Imgur, writing about coffee in general and offering some insights into the much-loved beverage. They said that many customers don't realize that they can't actually call for a "Colombian roast" at a coffee shop because it's not technically possible to do that. The barista wrote, "The term 'Colombian' refers to the place of origin, not a roast style. There is no such thing as a Colombian roast."


They added that it's likely that many customers get confused because of popular advertisements from major brands that mention Colombian coffee. No one actually realizes what the term stands for, though. The barista went on to write that coffee from the country is definitely good, but isn't extraordinary. They wrote, "great coffee comes from a lot of different places, and Colombian is not objectively better or worse than any of them." 

