You Can Only Buy These Limited Time Cheez-It Flavors In One Place

Cheez-Its are celebrating its 100th anniversary with a blast of new flavors. Starting today, the brand's new online shopping destination, Cheez-It HQ, is open for business. The featured product at the kick-off event is a limited edition four-pack that includes a 12.4 ounce box of original Cheez-It Extra Toasty Crackers, plus one box each of three new flavors: Cheez-It Extra Toasty Extra Cheesy, Cheez-It Extra Toasty Extra Spicy, and Cheez-It Extra Toasty Cheddar Jack. The pack is priced at just $19.99, and is available on the website while supplies last.


"Through this online shopping experience we're offering consumers a new platform to enjoy everything they love about Cheez-It in a fresh, exciting way," said Jordan Narducci, Kellogg's director of global direct to consumer ecommerce (via PR Newswire). "This direct-to-consumer site gives us the opportunity to bring future food innovations to market faster than ever before, while also collecting feedback from our consumers in real time." In addition to the limited edition four-pack, Chew Boom says the online portal also showcases an assortment of Cheez-It-themed merchandise including coozies, hoodies, aprons, and fannie packs. There's even a Cheez-It snuggle pack. 

The Cheez-It company has an interesting history

The crispy Cheez-It crackers we know and love today were originally called "baked rarebit." According to Smithsonian Magazine, the snack food originated in Dayton, Ohio's Edgemont neighborhood, specifically at the Green & Green Cracker Company. The Cheez-It was born in 1921, when a marketing genius at Green & Green decided to trademark the name. And the rest, as they say, is history.


"Welsh Rarebit, at its most basic form, is essentially a cheese sauce spread on toast," Rachael Spears, a living history specialist at Dayton's Carillon Historical Park, told Smithsonian Magazine. "Some 19th-century English recipes specifically call for cheddar cheese. To this day, Cheez-It still advertises 100 percent real cheese, which draws a connection to its rarebit roots." However, not everything about the brand has changed over time. Interestingly, the iconic red and yellow color theme displayed on Cheez-It products have remained relatively unchanged since the 1940s.

