The Big Problem With Quiznos' Veggie Guacamole Sub

There was a time when it seemed that sub sandwiches (aka submarine sandwiches, heroes, or grinders, depending on where you call home), had risen above the vast majority of fast casual fare to become somewhat of a miracle food. Of course, that was before a slew of rather discomfiting news came out, primarily concerning the emperor of all sub shops, Subway. This news suggested that Subway may not only be weak when it comes to vetting its spokespeople, but also not particularly concerned with dishing up healthy food after all. These epiphanies spelled bad news for the reputations of other sub shops as well, including Quiznos, despite that it stands alone among its peers as having been founded by an actual executive chef, according to Mental Floss.


This doesn't mean you should stay away from all sandwich counters. Some sub selections are, in fact, good and healthy choices. However, as celebrity chef and nutritionist Serena Poon told Mashed, you really can't know what you're getting at any fast food or fast casual establishment without taking a good look at the nutrition facts. Some of the "red flags" to look out for include "high saturated fat, high sodium, high added sugar, trans fat, and a long list of unrecognizable ingredients," Poon explained. That brings us to the Quiznos veggie guacamole sub. 

This sandwich has more than one big problem

In a recent chat with celebrity chef and nutritionist Serena Poon, we learned that even if a sandwich seems healthy in name, the reality can be quite different. For example, the veggie guacamole sub at Quiznos certainly sounds like a health-conscious choice, at least compared to the chain's other fare. But taking a peek at the nutrition information, Poon sees "a few items that cause immediate concern."


First, she says, "this sub contains about 70% of the daily value of saturated fat for a person who is eating a 2,000 calorie diet," which can "raise your cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease and stroke." It also contains .5 grams of trans fat, which is considered "so deleterious to health" that artificial versions have been banned in the U.S. Then there is also the fact that the Quiznos veggie guacamole sub is packed with sodium, delivering 67% of the daily recommended value for a person eating a 2,000 calorie diet, which means you'll probably curtail your salt use for the rest of the day (assuming that you watch your sodium intake, which you should). 

Poon notes that when included in the context of a daily diet comprised mainly of "fresh, wholesome foods," none of this might be "concerning" in and of itself. However, if someone is "relying on fast food for one or more of their meals per day," all of this "can add up and cause alarming health effects." As the old adage goes, everything in moderation.


