How Target Employees Really Feel When You Ask Them To 'Check In The Back'

If you have participated in the average consumer retail experience, then chances are you have found yourself searching for an item on the shelves. In these instances, most people might turn to the store staff to ask the loaded question, "Can you check in the back?" While the request might seem mundane to shoppers, employees typically feel differently. TikTok user @richblackguy just released a video making a statement for front of house retail employees across the country.


The short clip shows a shopper asking a Target staff member to check the back for an item since the website indicates that it is available. The employee is visibly irritated, and his insistence that there is no back area to check falls on deaf ears. The clip reaches a climax as the employee abducts the customer and takes him to the back room he unrelentingly demanded be searched.

The video was quickly shared to the Target subreddit, and you can bet that many other retail employees had their own experiences to share. For starters, numerous employees remarked that their store location did not even have a back storage room with extra items. Also, some stores have inventory that is only stocked in single quantities and replaced once it is sold, according to @Sockmythroat.


What do employees do?

Nevertheless, while retail employees have very logical explanations as to why there is no point for them to go searching in some mysterious back location, customers seem to need the extra step. That's why countless Redditors shared their tricks to satisfy customer requests with minimal fuss. For example, @Jackuzzi0404 revealed, "I found the best way to deal with it was to go stand in the backroom for like three minutes and then come back out and tell them we're out of stock." It seems that no matter the facts, it is easier for customers to accept that something might not be available if they believe that an employee went out of their way to double check the mystical back room.


Irish Redditor @roostercogburn3591 was surprised at the style of communication and remarked, "I would never engage in an infuriating back and forth like this, maybe it's an American thing." According to the user, in Ireland, the customer would be asked to leave if they continued with their demands. @Ninja_Drifta confirmed that American customer service tends to highlight that "the customer is always right," which can result in similar standoffs with staff. Ultimately, if you are an employee, then you can decide whether to take a short break as you appease a customer's requests or alternatively, explain how the inventory and storage system works at your store. As for customers ー sometimes your item really isn't available!


