The Hilarious Reason One KFC In Spain Spoofed IKEA's Advertising

As much as they're known for their stylish modern furniture and innovative home goods, IKEA is also known for their surprisingly delicious food. It goes unsaid that a trip to IKEA isn't complete without a stop at the food court and an order of their signature Swedish meatballs.


According to Hype Beast, IKEA's food appeal is so prominent in Spain, that one Kentucky Fried Chicken in Palma de Majorca couldn't help but use it to their advantage. To advertise the opening of their newest restaurant, which is conveniently located in the same area as the local IKEA, the fast food joint created a billboard that looks exactly like an ad for the furniture store.

The simplistic billboard features the IKEA logo replaced with the letters KFC, and "You already know where we are" written underneath. Based on the community's reactions on Twitter, marketing the new KFC location in this manner seems to have been quite effective. Even IKEA Spain gave a nod to KFC's creativity, posting on their own Twitter, "Thank you KFC for telling people where the #ChickenChicken is: on our HUVUDROLL meatballs."


KFC isn't very popular in Spain

It might seem unconventional to create an advertisement inspired by a furniture company, but KFC Spain really has to get creative in order to pull customers, and sometimes that means acknowledging their competition. Before the IKEA billboard, KFC Spain even released a commercial in which employees from rival fast food chains secretly confessed to liking KFC (via Famous Campaigns). The reason behind this marketing angle is simply that KFC, and fast food in general, isn't that popular in Spain. El Pais reports that out of all the countries in Europe, Spain reportedly spends the second least on fast food, Italy being the first. And not only is the fast food market a lot smaller there, the items on the menu are priced a lot higher. Results of the study published on El Pais show that the cost is double that of the UK and Germany, and triple that of the United States. The menu at KFC therefore is pretty limited, Spoon University shares. You'll still be able to get the best fried chicken, but you won't find biscuits or mac and cheese there — and of course no Swedish meatballs either, contrary to what their newest ad suggests.


