This Simple Tip Will Save You Money On Your Starbucks Order

We all love Starbucks, but let's face it, when you splurge on a cup of Joe every day, the cost can start really adding up. Luckily for us, Starbucks recently brought back one of their best deals that you can start taking advantage of once again.


According to the coffee chain's website, on June 22, locations began reintroducing the option to use personal, reusable to-go cups instead of the paper disposable versions the café gives out, and along with it, the incentive of a 10-cent discount for doing so. An article in USA Today states that the giant coffee retailer had discontinued this program for 15 months, beginning at the start of the pandemic, to help stop the spread of the virus. But now it's back, and, conveniently, you can purchase both hot and cold to-go cups on their website, with a range of designs to choose from.

Starbucks first introduced the reusable cup program in 1980, however since then, most customers have continued to take their drinks in disposable cups. But the chain is reintroducing the program as part of its commitment to reduce waste by 50% by the year 2030. In accordance with it, the chain's "For Here Ware" program will offer in-dining serving items, where it's allowed with current pandemic protocols, according to USA Today


The new and improved reusable cup program from Starbucks

Starbucks' reusable cup program has been revamped and comes with an adaptation for COVID-19 protocols. Now, baristas never touch the cups. Customers place their reusable to-go vessel in a mug, which the baristas will only handle to make the drink. Then, the barista will return the mug to the customer for them to lift their cup out, secure the lid, and take it with them. 


Another guideline to know is that your reusable item must be clean (baristas will not be able to clean or rinse them for you). And, for the time being, reusable cups will only be accepted in-store, although tests are being run to find the safest way to accept them in the drive-thru in the future.

Given this development, now is the perfect time to try out something new from the 2021 menu, such as the new Strawberry Funnel Cake Frappuccino blended beverage or the Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frap. Newly launched food options as of May 2021 also include an old favorite: the Unicorn Cake Pop. Or opt for a tried-and-true favorite like a classic latte or a White Chocolate Mocha. Either way, you'll be saving some money ... to spend on more delicious Starbucks coffee.


