Flying Cauldron Has Magical News For Fans Of Harry Potter's Butterbeer

Happy Birthday Harry Potter. The fictional wizard who stole our hearts in J.K. Rowling's novels about a magical world just beyond our muggle-brain reach turns 41 this week. It's true. In her books, Rowling penned Potter's date of birth: July 31, 1980 (via National Today). According to USA Today, that makes Potter a skin-of-his-teeth member of Gen X 一 or, perhaps more accurately, a Xennial, the sub-generation made up of people born between 1977 and 1983. A side note: July 31 also happens to be Rowling's birthday.


Just in time to celebrate Potter's birthday, Reed's Inc., the company that produces Flying Cauldron, is introducing a little something that may help take the sting out of the passage of time. Responding to fan requests, the company is now offering Flying Cauldron, its non-alcoholic butterscotch beer, in 16-ounce cans (via The Globe and Mail). Previously, Flying Cauldron was only offered in glass bottles. Made without artificial preservatives, flavors, or sweeteners, non-alcoholic Flying Cauldron recalls the creamy vanilla butterscotch flavored brew Potter and his Hogwarts buddies savored during their excursions to the magical village of Hogsmeade.

Enter to win a year's supply of Flying Cauldron

It may be Harry Potter's birthday, but everyone gets a chance to win a prize. Celebrating the fictional wizard's birthday and the launch of its new 16-ounce cans, Flying Cauldron is running a Wizardly Giveaway Sweepstakes. Enter by August 15 for a chance to win delivery of 12 16-ounce cans of Flying Cauldron per month (shipped quarterly) along with one shipment of two dozen limited-edition Toasted Mallow treats. And beverage burnout is not an option. BevNet suggests topping the non-alcoholic butterscotch cream soda with a scoop of ice cream.


While the butterbeer Rowling described in her novels made imbibers feel a little bit tipsy 一 in one passage Hermione lets loose while Harry parties with the faculty, Flying Cauldron is alcohol- and caffeine-free, so it's an option for witches, wizards, and muggles of all ages. 

Priced at $35 per 12-pack, the new 16-ounce cans are available on the Flying Cauldron Web Store.

