The Arizona Hot Dog Style That Has Other States Confused

In other parts of the world, there's often a misconception that American food is generic and too similar across the country. Common foods like burgers, pizza, pies, and cakes are thought of as standard fare in all 50 states. This belief couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, regional cuisine is alive and well in the U.S. For example, local signature dishes such as white clam pizza in Connecticut, key lime pie in Florida, and Cincinnati chili in Ohio are as authentic to their respective states as the castles in "The Nutmeg State," beaches in Key West, and baseball in Queen City (via Food Network).


Just as each state has renowned and much-admired foods, all 50 also have weird, random dishes that locals may love but visitors might find a bit, shall we say, "special." According to Buzzfeed, some of these funky dishes include chocolate bacon fat gravy in Arkansas, French fry-stuffed burritos in California, and Rocky Mountain oysters (aka deep-fried bull testicles) in Colorado. In Arizona, though, natives have been known to whip up a very particular hot dog that isn't common to neighboring states.

Sonoran-style hot dogs have Mexican influences

Per Buzzfeed, the weirdest food endemic to Arizona is the state's beloved Sonoran hot dog. Unlike the usual franks wrapped in a bun and adorned with ketchup, mustard, or relish, a Sonoran hot dog is wrapped in bacon and traditionally served in a bun with a layered topping of beans, avocados, onions, and mayo. Honestly, the dog doesn't sound all that weird to us. How can you go wrong with bacon and avocado?


This border-crossing snack originated in the Sonoran state of Mexico, specifically in its capital city, Hermosillo, in the late '80s (via NPR). Street vendors hawking their wares would often sell the late-night delicacy near nightclubs and bars. Those who prepare and sell the hotdogs are known as "dogueros." Eventually, the loaded dog made its way north with the surge of Mexican immigrants.

According to Food Network, bacon-wrapped, griddled Sonoran dogs are usually served on a soft Mexican roll known as a bolillo. But when it comes to toppings, the sky's the limit. As NPR suggested, toppings can range from whole or refried pinto beans to chunky pico de gallo salsa and grilled or raw onions. Griddled mushrooms have even been piled on the dogs. Basically, you can call it an "everything" dog. Just save one for us, please!


