The Popular Ben & Jerry's Flavor That Deserves A Comeback

In 2020, the three most popular Ben and Jerry's flavors were Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Cherry Garcia, and the reigning champion, Half Baked. According to the company's website, these three recipes were the most purchased, most loved ice creams of one of the weirdest years of our lives.


While these three are undoubtedly delicious, there's a whole fleet of retired Ben and Jerry's flavors customers are pin(t)ing for even years after their tragic expiration. The company actually pays tribute to their gone-but-never-forgotten flavors in their "flavor graveyard."

Here, they celebrate the many pints that have gotten their wings and moved on to the "great waffle cone in the sky." There's even a button on the flavor graveyard website where customers can request to resurrect a flavor. "We receive several thousand requests each year from our fans begging us to rein-cone-ate their favorite fallen flavor," the company explained, saying that it's never out of the possibility for a flavor to rise again.


But, there's one flavor in particular that many customers believe deserves another chance at life.

The case for Fossil Fuel

While there's no denying the name of this flavor was a little strange, that doesn't stop people from craving it. Fossil Fuel, available from 2005-2010, was made with sweet cream ice cream mixed with chocolate cookie pieces, fudge dinosaurs, and fudge swirls.


The flavor's gravestone reads: "Fudgy dinosaurs galore, Got all dug up til there were no more. A flavor re-design might be do-able, But Fossil Fuel is non-renewable." Even ten years after Fossil Fuel was laid to rest, people still mourn the loss.

One Twitter user wrote, "Is there anyone else out there who frequently thinks about the Fossil Fuel Ben & Jerry's? There hasn't been a flavour to top it. Oh how I long to see those tiny fudge dinosaurs again." With another saying, "Wake me up when Ben and Jerry's sells Fossil Fuel ice cream again."

Fossil Fuel even made Taste of Home's list for retired Ben and Jerry's flavors that deserve a comeback. While we can hope to see Fossil Fuel in our freezers again one day, for now it will live forever in our hearts and in that cone in the sky.


