CompletThis Is The Dinner Andrew Zimmern Makes Most Often

You might have noticed that around these parts, we're fans of Andrew Zimmern, the celebrity chef, home cook, and onetime host of "Bizarre Foods" on the Travel Channel. We love his recommendations for everything from salad dressing to homemade breadcrumbs, and we've got mad respect for the incredible fortitude of his stomach, which has digested nearly everything from dung beetles to grilled rat guts


To each their own, but personally, we'll stick with Zimmern's more widely appealing dishes, many of which he shares on "Andrew Zimmern Cooks," the cooking show he produces and hosts on YouTube. We'll take dishes such as shepherd's pie and ginger scallion noodles over fermented Icelandic shark any day. As for what Zimmern likes best? He has one dish he prepares over and over again, especially when he's cooking for his family. Read on to find out what it is, and how to make it at home.

Grandma's roast chicken

Family dinners have a few requirements — they've got to be fairly easy to make, they should appeal to a wide range of palates, and, preferably, the cleanup should be minimal. A dish that fits the bill on all those accounts is a simple roast chicken. We know we prepare our favorite version often, and apparently so does Zimmern. When Parade asked the chef what his favorite family dinner recipe is, he responded, "Oh my gosh, I've been a broken record about this for years! My grandmother's roast chicken is the thing that I make the most often." He explained that he usually makes four or five of them and places them on large racks that go into the oven or he hangs them from strings inside the fireplace.


"I cook a lot in my fireplace," Zimmern continued. "I know I'm not the average home cook, but I love creating a meal around fire-kissed roasted chicken. I don't think there's a better food in the whole world." Alright, well, we're not about to string up any chickens in the fireplaces that we don't even have, but we think we can manage the basic version of his grandmother's roast chicken that we found on his website. A three-pound chicken stuffed with fresh herbs and garlic, rubbed with butter and paprika, and roasted over quartered onions, it sounds like an ideal and achievable family dinner, just as Zimmern said.

