Andrew Zimmern Swears By These 2 Dried Pasta Brands

Andrew Zimmern is best known for exploring the world on his Travel Channel show, "Bizarre Foods." Zimmern gained popularity by eating foods like fried stewed lamb brains and fried tarantulas on a stick while exploring the cultures of various countries and breaking bread with newfound friends. For his efforts, Zimmern has won numerous awards including several James Beard awards, which are considered the Academy Awards of food. 


While most know Zimmern eating on camera, he's also a talented chef in his own right. 

On his YouTube channel, which has over 94,000 subscribers, Zimmern shares his culinary prowess, making everything from a seafood boil to braised brisket. Zimmern also provides handy tips for home chefs that range from making perfect hard boiled eggs to how to season croutons for salads.

During the pandemic, Zimmern has also conducted live cooking demos on YouTube and Instagram, so home chefs can follow along in real time, and even ask questions. Zimmern has also started to post on TikTok, where he shares some of his favorite ingredients in his pantry. 

Two pastas from Italy

Zimmern shared his favorite pastas on TikTok, also explaining that he preferred pastas that come from Gragnano, Italy. The pastas, he explained are made from Italian wheat, cold water, and sometimes egg, using old machines with bronze dyes to made a coarse pasta that grabs onto sauce. Zimmern also shares that the pastas also just taste better.


In the TikTok, Zimmern shows a pantry shelf filled with pastas of different shapes and sizes made from two pasta makers: Faella and Martelli.

According to its website, Martelli pastas are simply made from Italian durum wheat semolina and cold water. The pastas have been made by the same family-run business since 1926 in a small medieval village near Pisa, Italy called Lari. 

Website notes that Faella pasta is made from Italian durum semola (also known as semolina) flour and spring water from the Lattari Mountains in Italy. The pastas are extruded through traditional bronze dyes and air dried for two days. 

