DiGiorno Asked Twitter For A New Slogan And The Responses Are Hilarious

DiGiorno is one of the most well-known frozen pizza brands on the market. While it might not be the most glamorous meal, it has been a freezer staple since it first burst onto the pizza scene in 1995, when it marketed itself as an alternative to the then-booming landscape of pizza delivery chains, like Pizza Hut and Domino's, according to Eater. Positioning itself as even better than its delivery competition, DiGiorno has kept the same slogan since the 1990s: "It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno."


However, the brand seems to have decided that this year is the year for DiGiorno to finally update the slogan. In keeping up with the modern times, the pizza company isn't shelling out big bucks for marketing executives to sit around, devising and market testing a new tagline campaign. Instead, the company decided to cut out the middleman, taking to Twitter to directly ask fans to come up with their own suggestions for the new DiGiorno slogan.

Twitter was quick to respond with a number of creative slogan ideas

DiGiorno simply posted "Give us a new slogan" to its Twitter account, and in no time, they were inundated with a deluge of creative responses. Some followers went for dark humor, while others played with puns and dry wit. "DiGiorno, for when you're too depressed to cook but too poor to order out," one Twitter user wrote. "DiGiorno? More like DiGiorYES," tweeted another. "It's not delivery, it's ... wait, you had your groceries delivered didn't you," @apollozac joked. Even fellow frozen food brand Bagel Bites got in on the fun, posting its own submission: "Kinda like bagel bites but bigger and not a bagel and also different."


According to the contest house rules (via NestleUSA), all entries must be clean, on-topic, legal, and original in order to be considered for DiGiorno's new slogan. Otherwise, all contestants are invited to be as witty and creative as they please — and it sure seems like the competition will be fierce. We'll definitely be keeping an eye out to see which winning slogan will be deemed creative enough to finally take the place of the old, beloved classic.

