Trader Joe's Shoppers Can't Wait To Try Its New Smoky BBQ Coconut Aminos

Trader Joe's just dropped a new product that shoppers are so excited to try. The latest item is actually a new spin on coconut aminos, but this time they've been flavored to taste like smoky barbecue. The new release was spotted by a couple of different accounts on Instagram, @traderjoeslist and @traderjoesobsessed. Between the two accounts, the new sauce has already gotten more than 16,500 likes.


Instagrammer @traderjoeslist wrote, "I am so excited about this new item! Traditionally I would use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce. Im curious to see how this tastes and I'm thinking it would go great as a marinade on tofu or the meat of your choice! How would you use this new item?" Fortunately, @traderjoesobsessed has already been able to try the brand new product. They wrote, "I had a few drumsticks left from the weekend & marinated them with the New Organic Smokey Coconut Aminos and the Spicy Honey serving them over a bed of stir fried kale," which sounds like a great way to use this new product.

This is what customers are saying

While you can use coconut aminos in place of soy sauce as @traderjoeslist suggests, you can also use it in place of tamari that is very similar to soy sauce, but with less wheat in the product. So, if you wanted to make something like crispy, smoky vegan eggplant bacon even smokier, you could pick up a bottle of this new product and swap it in for the tamari in the recipe.


Fans of Trader Joe's are already pretty excited to give this new product a try. One person commented on the post, "Omg want." Another wrote, "It's so good!" Others threw out suggestions such as: "Substitute for liquid smoke," "Fried rice, seafood, veggies," and "Just used it with some bbq pulled chicken and some of the new spicy honey." So, if this isn't already on your radar, it should be. Not to mention, you should go ahead and add it to your grocery list to pick up the next time you're at the grocery chain. You might be surprised by how many recipes this would make a great addition to.

