Don't Believe This Outlandish Monster Energy Drink Myth

Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. They're fun to come up with and even more entertaining to pick apart, bit by bit. That's why the moon landing (faked?) is a hot-button topic even decades later. Don't even get us started on Area 51 or chemtrails.


Conspiracy theories aren't always about major societal events or issues, though. Sometimes, seemingly innocuous products come under the microscope of public scrutiny. One such example has to do with Monster Energy Drinks and their supposed tie to Satanism.

Before we try to explain the premise of this theory, it's important to know that one 12-ounce can of a Monster Energy Drink packs 123 milligrams of caffeine, which is certainly enough to make a person act as though they were possessed by some sort of demon. The same size can also includes 42 grams of carbs, as well as 286 milligrams of sodium. Never mind the caffeine or the theory; stats like those should be more than enough to keep you up at night.


When you work backwards, it's easy to make anything seem plausible. Such is the case with the Monster Energy Drink conspiracy theory, which has been in play since at least 2009. A 2014 YouTube video revived the theory, certainly to the chagrin of Monster.

The logo issue that caused the Monster Energy Drink conspiracy theory

The premise, according to Snopes, is that the three green symbols (they're actually supposed to be claw marks) on the Monster can are the same as the Hebrew symbol for the number 6. Very loosely translated, that means that Monster cans say "666" on them — the "Number of the Beast" as talked about in the Book of Revelation (13:15-18). In other words, Satan stuff. The "O" in Monster also has a supposed cross in it, so when the can is tilted it looks like an upside-down cross, which equates to witchcraft.


The "O-with-a-cross" issue is easily explained away. Instead of being anything remotely devilish, it's actually the Greek symbol "phi." There is no connection with the symbol and anything religious or anti-religious. Greek symbols predate Christianity entirely. As for the claw marks? They're claw marks, creating a stylized M. As Snopes explains, Hebrew works differently from English. The number 666 in English — repeating the numeral 6 three times for six-hundred-and-sixty-six — would have additional characters in Hebrew: one to represent 600, another for 60, yet another for 6.

The point of all this, according to the theorists, is for Satanic products to sink their claws into good, Christian homes. As fantastical and somewhat entertaining as this theory is, it's much easier and more plausible to write the entire thing off to an unfortunate logo mishap.


