Here's What Music Does To Your Eating Habits

It is claimed that the music that animals listen to affects the way that they behave. The phenomenon is claimed to be especially prevalent with cows. According to ITV News, farmers have found that cows produce more milk when listening to music because it causes them to feel greatly relaxed. Despite there being no evidence to explain the scientific miracle, cows are alleged to be especially fond of jazz and reggae. Anecdotal evidence has been around for a while; Juan Velez of Aurora Organic Farms told Modern Farmer Magazine in 2014, "In terms of music, in my 30 years working with dairy cows, I have found that music can be beneficial to the well-being of the cows, but it must be consistent and calming."


It now seems that humans are similarly influenced by sweet serenades. Research revealed by Big Think shows that people's food choices change based on the volume of the music playing in the background. Analysis conducted by the University of South Florida discovered that people eating in a restaurant and shopping in a supermarket were 10% more likely to choose healthy food while quiet music was playing, but more likely to pick unhealthy treats during loud music.

Multiple studies have revealed the impact of music on what people eat

The university's investigation also concluded that the genre of music is irrelevant, as even heavy metal played at a soothing volume caused people to opt for fruit salad over chocolate cake. Other studies have uncovered further interesting associations between music and diet. One report, published by PsyPost on 2016, suggested a link between listening to unfamiliar songs and spending more time on meals, the consequence being that more food was eaten. PsyPost additionally notes that this could have useful benefits for food-related medical issues.


Another investigation published in 2006 by Appetite, posted at  ScienceDirect, showcased a discovery that simply the inclusion of music led to more food being eaten, drinks being downed, and longer stays. So, you might find background music in shops and restaurants annoying, but the big bucks that flow into cash registers as a result of it definitely don't give business owners any headaches.

