What You Need To Know About The Just Egg Recall

Making breakfast in the morning can be rough, especially if you are making breakfast for a family that has things to do and people to see. You need to think up something that is nutritious and also delicious that will please folks of all ages. Nowadays, the local grocer is filled with tons of snacks and ready-to-eat food packages that will help at-home cooks have a meal out and cooked in a jiffy. 


In recent years, more and more folks have become more health conscious. Huffpost reports that millennials are leading the pack in terms of making better choices, like eating more plant-based foods and exercising regularly. Things like vegan sausages, patties, and plant-based egg products have flooded the market, creating more options for people to eat throughout the day. But like many things in life, it's always good to be mindful when it comes to food items and possible recalls — something that fans of JUST Egg are now experiencing. According to Eat This, Not That, JUST Egg is experiencing a recall due to traces of animal byproducts found in some of its products.

JUST Egg voluntarily recalled over 80,600 boxes of vegan egg bites

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that Virginia-based Cuisine Solutions issued a voluntary recall of the JUST Egg two-pouch "bites" due to pouches containing whole-egg and dairy products being included in their JUST Egg packaging. They note that the interior pouches are clearly labeled, indicating that these products were incorrectly packaged. According to the FDA, the recall was initiated to limit the possible exposure to those with dairy and egg allergies. WGN cites that the recalled 8.4-oz packages have "Best Before" dates from February 22, 2022, to April 9, 2022. 


There are about 80,632 packages in circulation nationwide that could carry possible dairy and egg contamination. Eat This, Not That reports that Cuisine Solutions has been working with its nationwide partners to coordinate the recall and continue providing their products to their consumers. The FDA notes that the JUST Egg "bites" that are being recalled are the Inspired by America, Inspired by India, Inspired by Japan, and the Inspired by Mexico packages. Though food recalls can be a startling thing to hear about, Mashed has not heard of any hospitalizations reported in relation to this recall.

